We need your email to keep you up to date.
- If you need to update your profile, click on "Edit Your Profile" - you can use "forgot my user name or password" if needed.
- If you don’t find your profile listed, that means you need to click on "Add Your Profile".
- Update all the data fields.
- Type in your story in the comments box
- Include your photos by clicking on “choose file” and upload photos from your own device. (if you need a "then" photo, let us know from the "Contact Us" page.)
- Click on “Submit” to save.
- If you have any trouble, just let us know by using the "Contact Us" page. We're here to help!
Note: if you have a profile on the website and it is associated with an email you no longer have, you will not be able to get to your page to update. Please let us know your new email and we will get it updated for you.